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CFA Societies Canada announces 2024-2025 Board of Directors

TORONTO, Oct. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CFA Societies Canada, Canada’s voice for professionalism in investment management and finance, announces the election of Jimmy Kwame Boateng, CFA, Frank Lachance, CFA, and Nilesh Paray, CFA, as members of its board of directors for a two-year term effective Tuesday, October 22, 2024.

They will join re-elected members Carl Robert, CFA, and Cecilia Wong, CFA, and continuing members to constitute the board for 2024-2025. Ronald Schwarz, CFA, returns as board Chair. CFA Societies Canada is a collaboration of its 12 member CFA societies in Canada as a unified voice and aspires to shape the investment profession in Canada to positively impact Canadian society.

“I am eager to continue to work alongside my esteemed colleagues, serving in a role to shape Canada’s investment industry. Thanks to the ongoing efforts and advocacy of this organization, we have reached a wider net of stakeholders, resulting in increased recognition of what our charter stands for, enhancing value to all our members as meaningful, trusted, and impactful voices of professionalism within the investment industry.” said returning Board Chair Ronald Schwarz, CFA.

“As I begin my fourth year as Chair, I am deeply grateful for the commitment of our board members (past and present), our staff’s dedication and hard work, and the support of our member societies, CFA Institute, and our many external stakeholders who work in partnership with us. On behalf of the board, we thank our outgoing directors Pier-André Blanchet, CFA, Coreen Sol, CFA, and Stephen J. Thompson, CFA, and welcome our new and returning board members on their elections to the board,” added Schwarz.

“I’d like to thank our outgoing directors for their work toward the betterment of Canada’s investment industry, and for the continued leadership of our returning Board Chair, Ron Schwarz. As we enter a new year and commence our FY2025-FY2027 strategic plan, I am optimistic about the opportunities that lay ahead to innovate and make more positive change in Canada’s investment landscape.” said Michael Thom, CFA, Managing Director of CFA Societies Canada.

The complete list of board members and their terms are as follows:

Renewed Board Chair

Ronald Schwarz, CFA

New additions to 2024-2025 Board of Directors of CFA Societies Canada

Jimmy Kwame Boateng, CFA – CFA Society Okanagan

Frank Lachance, CFA – CFA Québec

Nilesh Paray, CFA – CFA Society Edmonton

Re-elected directors

Carl Robert, CFA – CFA Montréal

Cecilia Wong, CFA – CFA Society Vancouver

They will join continuing board members:

Emily Burt, CFA – CFA Society Winnipeg

Kathrin Forrest, CFA – CFA Society Toronto

Chelsea Kittleson, CFA – CFA Society Victoria

Sean Kulik, CFA – CFA Society Ottawa

Tristan McBride, CFA – CFA Society Atlantic Canada

Patrick Read, CFA – CFA Society Calgary

Jordan Wilson, CFA – CFA Society Saskatchewan


About CFA Societies Canada

CFA Societies Canada is a collaboration of the 12 Canadian member societies. It brings together these organizations to lead the investment industry in Canada by advancing the highest professional standards, integrity, and ethics for the ultimate benefit of Canadian society. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn.

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